TCA Cleanrooms and Section 179 -
Potential to Save you Thousands

June 8, 2022
What Is Section 179? Section 179 of the U.S. internal revenue code is an immediate expense deduction that business owners can take for purchases of depreciable business equipment instead of capitalizing and depreciating the asset over a period of time.

The Section 179 deduction applies to tangible personal property such as machinery and equipment purchased for use in a trade or business, and if the taxpayer elects, qualified real property. The deduction applies when the property is first placed in service.

The 2022 Section 179 deduction limit for businesses is $1,080,000 (a $30,000 increase from 2021). Your business can deduct the full price of qualified equipment with a "total equipment purchase" limit of $2.7 million.

Is Section 179 going away? Bonus Depreciation, typically used for expensing beyond the Section 179 limit, is 100% through 2022. The amounts then subsequently decrease to 80% (2023), 60% (2024), 40% (2025), and 20% (2026).

If you have a major equipment purchase such as a TCA Cleanroom Suite; and want to capitalize on bonus depreciation, it may be time to act as the 100% deduction applies to purchases made in 2021 and 2022 and will start to decrease each year until it hits 20% in 2025 and expires in 2026 tax year.
*Legal notice - TCA does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for tax, legal or accounting advice. Please consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.
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